Today we will show How a search engine works. Here I will not go on detail, But a breif description on this. Hope you Enjoy and learn something.

There are many search engines on the world of Internet. Top on them Is Google.

Search engine:- Google, Bing, Yahoo, AltaVista, Excite and many More.

Later on We will learn How Google works?


What happens when a searcher[users] enters keywords?

A Search engine does not examine every page on the web. When a user puts in a query on the search box, theengine first builds an index of it

– Custom database of all the words on all pages

– Search engine also stores other information.

The search query is everything that the user types to get results which is made up of one or more search terms, plus optional special characters.


It examine the Query what the user are for searching, and then expand that query. Means check the words variants[ plural/singular, verbs, Nouns]
  •  Then check the Spelling on the Query.
  •  Check the word order
  •  Checks the search operator [e.g. putting IP: ip address] for searching the Ip of sites.

Next It match the query presents on its database [SERVER]. After then It match the query with all the data that have been Crawled by it.

The Results are sent to the Index Server where it is indexed that which query should be displayed first on the searched results.

This results is made by the rank of the page, which is known as PAGE RANK.
page rank

You can check your page rank of your site from HERE

After all these process finally there required results displayed on your screen.
All thses is done within a seconds only and it gives you the results what you wants.
Hope these help you.



As we all know that GOOGLE is the worlds most popular Search engine on our planet Earth. All Most, all user use to search any query or any stuff on the internet.

Google began in March 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Ph.D. students at Stanford, California, U.S. 

The term "Google" was originally "Googol", A term meaning the number "1" followed by 100 zeros, created by prominent mathematician Edward kasner.

Google search engine is a web search owned by Goolge Inc. and is the most used search engine on the web.

How it works.?

How google works
Firstly when users enter search query on the google search box, and after pressing enter OR clicking on the search option. The query goes to Google Web Server

The web server sends the query to the index servers. The content inside the index servers is similar to the index in the back of a book. It tell which pages contain the words that matchany particular query term.

The query travels to the doc servers, which actually retrieve the strored documents. Snippers are generated to describe each search results.

The Search results are returned to the user in a fraction of a second.

Search engines gather the information and the number of web pages from internet with the help of small software known as "Spiders or Google Bot"

Google store the complete content of a web page which is known as Cache, whereas other search engines stores only keywords.

Google allows upto 32 words to enter in the query box.
Hope you Understand How GOOGLE works ?

I am Rajput Gaurav a ETHICAL HACKER and a tech enthusiast. Catch up with me on my New Site DecodedReviewand experience a whole new way of looking at technology and Hacking.
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